Full SpLD Assessment
I will conduct a thorough assessment, typically spanning two to four hours of psychometric testing. The resulting report will meet the stringent standards set by the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC). This is an expansive and detailed document. The assesment is ideally face to face - Remote assessments are a last resort and not recommended.
While it is possible to assess for one SpLD, to ensure accuracy it's often essential to screen for several SpLDs, including dyslexia, Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These conditions can exhibit similar traits, and it's not uncommon to identify multiple SpLDs in varying degrees. If dyslexia is identified, it will be formally diagnosed. Additionally, recommendations will be provided for DCD and ADHD if warranted, with variations based on the individual's age.
Under 16s: For younger people, the process may involve a referral to their GP along with detailed advice for supporting all identified needs within the assessment report. There are clear professional boundaries to respect but dylexia can be fully diagnosed in quite young children.
16-18 year olds: For people between these ages we may need to consider that their acces to NHS pathways may not be fast enough and I would tend to treat these as an adult assessment with that in mind. Please see the next two points.
Higher Education: A comprehensive report will be provided detailing all identified needs. This is essential for accessing valuable support from university. This can be faster (and more solution focussed) than a medical route but will not recommend medication as this must be discussed with your doctor due to health interactions.
Beyond Education: For those who have completed their education, the focus shifts to supporting them in life and the workplace. This may entail suggesting suitable alterations.