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When can I have an assessment?

Some times of the year are busier. I do my very best to see people within a few weeks, but this can be extended to months at the busiest times.  Once I have met you, your report is usually with you in less than a week but you can let me know if you need something very quickly.  Cancellations can sometimes happen so only use this as a guide.  Send me an email on the contacts page to check. If it is genuinely urgent I will always try to do my best.  


I'm not sure I need an assessment.

Call me or email me and I'll help you to decide.  I try to avoid assessing people who I think should see someone else for a different reason or who may not have an SpLD.  We can usually work this out with a form or a chat, but if there are no signs of any SpLDs we can also call off the assessment when you are here.  This could mean that there is no need for a  diagnostic assessment report and my rate can be reduced a great deal as a result.  There is no reason for you to pay for something unless it will be helpful. An SpLD assessment isn't always the best next step. 


Where do I need to go?

The best option is to not be limited by time, or affected by noise and distractions.  I have an excellent space at my address in Hucknall Nottinghamshire NG15. 


Can I come with someone else?

Parents are welcome to stay and younger children may need an adult in the adjacent seating area to go to for breaks. This depends on what makes you or your child feel most comfortable.  Older clients usually attend alone which can help with sharing sometimes sensitive information.   If you are unsure, please ask.


What ages do you assess? Is it the right age for me? 

As a guide, it's easier to manage and more likely to be conclusive if you are older than 8 years old but I will assess younger children from time to time.  Please email or call to discuss this as there are other options as well.  At the other extreme, I have assessed people older than me (I'm getting on now too). 


More and more people are choosing to be assessed much earlier, which is great.  The report produced is valid for life and does become very useful after school age as significant levels of funding and support become available.  However it is good to know this before you get there in my opinion.  Many people are really struggling with school work and need some advice and support that might help their teachers to understand them fully but also be aware of how to support them in the ideal situation.


This is the same at any age, and I have also helped many people who are finding aspects of their work difficult. At different ages, the focus changes, and in an age of great technological advancement, there are so many useful recommendations, whatever your age.  


How long does it take? 

Between 2 and 4 hours. Because of the diversity of the people I see it is almost impossible to say.  Sometimes we have to break it up into two days, but it is shorter with younger children and it will take longer if we discover the need to assess for more than one SpLD (Specific Learning Difference). You will also have two forms to fill in before the assessment.  These usually take about 15-20 minutes altogether.  


How much does it cost? 

The fee is dependant upon your age and the range of testing we need to do.  I also offer a variation which may suit people who are either not certain if they should go ahead or do not require a detailed report.  Look at the Services tab to find out more and feel free to call/email to discuss what may be best for you.  WIth myself, assessment of several SpLDs is not treated as separate assessments.  This is to avoid confusion and to keep costs within range of what may be available from funding sources. If you are currently a student or employed, please check if you are eligible for support towards the cost. 

Mr Ed Garnham - Dyslexia/SpLD Specialist in Nottingham (Diagnosis/Assessment)

Contact me for a free (no obligation) consultation 

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