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About Me
I have spent over 20 years working in mainstream and SEN schools all over Nottinghamshire but for the last 10 years I have been focussing on assessments.  After my degree I furthered my psychology studies in order to hold registration with the British Psychological Society, before completing further postgraduate training in SpLD Education and registering as an assessor with PATOSS.  I also studied for the M Level SENDCO Award and led SEND provision, while teaching in an outstanding school.   I then worked for NHS CAMHS as a schools link for mental health advice and training.  Finally I have completed an advanced diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which is very useful almost every week.  I continue to learn from all the people I am fortunate enough to meet. Many of whom have fantastic ideas and solutions they have shared.  

Why Choose Me:

1. Comprehensive Assessment: I use a wide range of tools and approaches to identify strengths and challenges accurately. This will include pivoting to explore alternate possibilites when dyslexia (for example) is not identified. This can reduce the need for repeated referrals and assessments.  

2. Holistic Approach: I consider educational and mental health needs, understanding that SpLDs often coincide with other SpLDs or conditions like anxiety, depression, or Speech Language and Communication Needs and Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC). This allows clearer identification and more refined support.  

3. Expertise and Experience: With a (long) background in psychology, teaching, special needs education and mental health , I can offer a broader assesssment and more effective guidance / interventions.  I have extensive experience of all of the learning difficulties described and many more, as I now approach my 25th year in this field.  


Professional Registration and Memberships:​
  • Current Assessment Practice certificate (APC) and full Associate Membership with The Professional Association for Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties (PATOSS)
  • Member of the British Psychological Society (MBPsS)
  • Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) 
  • 2017 - Advanced Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Skills and Studies
  • 2012 - Post Graduate Certificate in Education of Pupils with SpLDs
  • 2008 - Post Graduate Certificate in Education of Pupils with SLD / PMLD
  • 2007 - Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology
  • 2002 - Post Graduate Certificate in Education (QTS) 
  • 1999 - BA (Hons) Human Sciences​

Mr Ed Garnham - Dyslexia/SpLD Specialist in Nottingham (Diagnosis/Assessment)

Contact me for a free (no obligation) consultation 

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